Chess 2019
Scuola di analisi delle superfici

Grants and best poster award


At present, 12 grants are available (400 euro each), fully covering the School registration fees.


The Analytical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, and Inorganic Chemistry Divisions of the Italian Chemical Society (SCI) respectively offer 4, 2, and 1 grants to support the participation to the School of young researchers (<35 years old), belonging to the mentioned SCI Divisions.

CSGI Italian consortium offers two grants for young (<35 years old) members of the consortium.

INSTM Italian consortium offers two grants for young (<35 years old) members of the consortium.

Analytica Chimica Acta Journal offers one grant to a non-Italian young researcher (<35 years old), with an excellent curriculum vitae, who should not be member of any of the Societies/consortia providing all the other grants.


More grants could be announced soon!


All the possible candidates under the age of 35 and in good standing for their respective societies/consortia at the time of sending their registration to the School can apply by sending to the school secretariat (

(i) a two-page curriculum vitae (CV), including an explicit age declaration and the applicant’s signature;

(ii) a detailed list of publications and conference presentations

Requested file format: pdf


Deadline for grant applications is October 31st


Selection of the grant recipients will be care of the School Committee, based on their CV.

The Committee decision will be notified to all applicants by November 7th.





A best poster prize consisting of a certificate and a £50 RSC books voucher will be provided by the Journal Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP).

The prize will be awarded by the School Committee. All the School attendees who will present a poster will be eligible.


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